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Made to Measure Episode 5

Turning survey data into actionable insights

How to use feedback effectively?

Elevate your event planning skills with Made to Measure, the exciting new series of bite-sized insights explicitly tailored for event professionals!

In episode 5, Alex and David team up to share their expert tips on how to make the most of feedback surveys. Watch as they bounce ideas off each other, exploring how to leverage data for maximum impact. Get a closer look at the feedback loop with practical examples of turning survey data into actionable insights that will take your planning strategy to the next level. Get ready to be inspired!




What have I missed in the fifth episode?

In the world of events, how can organizers tailor their programs to exceed the expectations of their attendees and exhibitors? Feedback data is one of the most powerful tools in an event planner's toolkits if used effectively. 

Alex and David shared their expert tips for turning survey data into actionable insights to supercharge your planning strategy!


Unlock the value of feedback data

When someone attends an event, that interaction generates an "experience," whether or not we measure it. 

As event professionals, we need financial data to keep our budgets in check, demonstrating the ROI when evaluating the success of the event. However, let's face it, while financial data tells us how much revenue an event generated; only feedback data can offer valuable insights into attendee experience, CX data and help identify areas for improvement. it tells us what our attendees really think, whether they had a blast or secretly planned their escape route. CX data also helps build attendee loyalty, inform marketing efforts, and measure intangible benefits such as attendee satisfaction. In this way, feedback data is a critical tool for event organizers to make data-driven decisions and create events that meet the needs and expectations of attendees.


The three keys to using feedback effectively

1. Create a feedback loop

The customer feedback loop is a customer experience strategy designed to enhance and improve your offerings continuously; based on user reviews, opinions, and suggestions. This feedback loop is based on the concept of mutual interaction between both the business and its customers.

Here are the steps in creating the feedback loop:

  1. Measure - collect feedback from attendees through surveys, polls, or other means of communication. Make sure to ask specific questions that will provide actionable insights. Be sure to set your objective to collect the correct data.
  2. Analyze: Once you have collected feedback, analyze it thoroughly to identify patterns and areas for improvement. Look for common themes in the feedback that can help you make informed decisions on improving your event.
  3. Share & Implement: Use the insights gained from analyzing the feedback. Share the information with all relevant decision-makers to make informed decisions on how to improve your event. This might involve changing the event format, adjusting the content, or improving the logistics.
  4. Follow-up: After implementing changes, follow up with attendees to let them know how their feedback has been taken into account for changes made to help build trust with attendees and show that you value their opinions.
  5. Repeat: Collect feedback at future events and use the same process to improve your event planning continually. By regularly soliciting and acting on feedback, you can create events that meet the needs and expectations of your attendees, leading to greater satisfaction and success.

To create a fruitful feedback loop, ensure you've set the objectives to collect the right data strategically. "bad data in = bad data out". Having a survey designed well and delivered at the right time for collecting feedback effectively.

2. Close the feedback loop

Closing the feedback loop is following up with attendees after an event to let them know their opinions are valued and their feedback is taken seriously. And it must be a continuous process as the expectations and objectives of attendees and exhibitors are ever-evolving, and organizers need to keep up to deliver exceptional experiences.

It's fair to state we don't know what we don't know. Closing the feedback loop closes those knowledge gaps, sheds light on your attendees' objectives and priorities, and identifies the hidden pitfalls. When quantified and correlated to event KPIs, such as loyalty, advocacy, and satisfaction, organizers are empowered and can focus the program development efforts on the most commercially viable areas with the most impact. 

To close the feedback loop effectively, follow the 4 steps:

  1. Thank attendees: Start by thanking attendees for taking the time to provide feedback. Let them know that their opinions are valued and that their feedback is an important part of event planning.
  2. Summarize feedback: Provide a summary of the feedback you received, highlighting common themes and areas for improvement. This shows attendees that you took their feedback seriously and used it to inform your decisions.
  3. Describe changes: Describe the changes that were made as a result of the feedback. This helps attendees understand how their feedback was used and shows that their opinions had a tangible impact on the event.
  4. Invite future feedback: Finally, invite attendees to provide feedback at future events. This shows that you are committed to continually improving your events and that you value their ongoing input.

By closing the feedback loop, you can create a positive feedback cycle that leads to greater attendee satisfaction and loyalty, ultimately helping to make your events more successful.

3. Using feedback to inform strategy

Feedback from attendees can be a valuable tool for informing event strategy to create programs that meet the needs and expectations of your attendees, leading to greater satisfaction and success. 

A case study as an example - Apple, one of the leading brands in the world, holds the highest sales per square foot of any US retailer due to its relentless focus on the "store experience".

Apple stores are designed to encourage an ongoing relationship with their customers, and to delight them so they would advocate for their wonderful experience at the store. They collect insights through NPS surveys to find detractors by emailing a survey to rate the in-store experience. NPS survey comments are analyzed daily, with follows up going out to all customers scoring 6 or lower (detractors). The information is then shared with the store managers, who will reach out to the detractors within 24 hours to determine the issue and identify areas for improvement. The store managers will then share the feedback with their team and train them to improve customer interactions. Spotting its detractors and improving the relations based on feedback allow Apple to convert its detractors to become bigger buyers than its promoters. The simple follow-up generated over $25 million in additional revenue in a year. 


Watch Made to Measure Episode 5 on-demand


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Meet the speakers 

alex temple 900


David Rudel


Alex Temple

David Rudel

Senior Corporate Relations Manager Strategic Partnerships Director